The biggest island in the continent of Europe, The United Kingdom consists of four countries namely England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is the oldest Monarchies in Europe. The UK and the European continental land are linked through the Channel tunnel.
Let’s see some of the interesting facts about the UK
- The world’s oldest higher education institution “The University of Oxford” is situated in the UK.
- It is estimated that there are a greater number of Indian restaurants in the UK than in Indian metropolitan cities.
- There is no official religion, but the majority of Brits follow Christianity.
- There are nearly 170 museums in London.
- The UK is a large country and covered with water so wherever you stay may not be farther than 115 km from the sea.
Life and Culture
Having a fascinating history and possessing fervent cultural milieu, UK offers and attracts a high rate of international students to study in their world-recognized universities. The UK is the country with bursting cultural energies and wonderful legacies. Its colonial relation spread all over the world and made the UK’s culture very pluralistic in nature by providing global students with many opportunities to explore the whole world while studying.
The UK is the birthplace for several legends like Newton, Darwin, Shakespeare, Charles Babbage etc. The UK is prestigiously known as the home for the world’s largest financial capitals, the richest soccer club, Manchester United, many entertainment musical bands and theatres offer an incredible array of entertainment and experiences to live people happily.
The UK is a scenic country with beautiful landscapes as well as bustling cities which gives us the combined experience of rural and urban. Britishers are very sportive and adventurous and the multicultural environment everywhere makes all the foreigners and global students feel homely. As the UK has many Indian restaurants students can enjoy diverse cuisines, and can participate in popular sports, can learn and earn by developing and exhibiting their different arts and sports.
Basic Requirements:
- As a Tier 4(General) student, you are supposed to show supported funds necessary for your tuition fee and living expenses.
Dependents Information:
- If the applicant is travelling to join in Post-Graduate course, dependents can also travel along with him.
Immigration on Arrival:
- All the international students need a valid passport to enter the country. The passport authorities will check when the student arrives at UK port or airport.
How to Apply: Our Experts will guide all our students when they are applying.
List of industrial sectors having demand.
All the job markets are very competitive, and the UK is highly globalized. So there is the demand for
- Agriculture and Production industries in the UK.
- Metals, Chemicals, Shipbuilding, Motor Vehicles, Food Processing, Textiles, Electronics and Communications equipment.
Shortage in the following sectors
- ARTS – Artists dancers, graphic designers and musicians.
- EDUCATION – Secondary teachers
- ENGINEERING- Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical Engineers, Product and Process Engineers.
- HEALTH: Pediatricians, radiographers, nurses etc
- IT- Software developers and system engineers.
There are many schemes available in the UK.
Some of the sectors include Banking, Engineering, Retail and Technology and Multinational Companies are providing different schemes to benefit international students.
According to the 2016 survey, there are many vacancies for graduates and paying fancy salaries. Especially investment banking, law and finance are corners where there are many vacancies.
Reputed companies like Google, Cancer Research UK, MI6, GlaxoSmithKline and Amazon provided many opportunities for students.
How to Apply:
When you deserve to study in Uk, step into our Stepin Leads Overseas Academy and our expert team will support you to apply.